The Flagstaff Star Party 2020 – Images in the Sky

Meet the Stars!

The First International Dark–Sky City Shares its Star-filled Skies with the World

See all Star Party / Celebration events HERE

Images in the Sky: Navajo Constellations and their Meaning

pre-recorded presentation

Release 5PM 19 September 2020

Educator and archaeoastronomer Bryan Bates shares insights into Diné cultural astronomy: “Native people have consistently watched the movement of the Sun, Moon and Stars and tied the changing patterns to seasonal changes of weather, plant growth and animal behavior, aspects often anticipated and celebrated through ceremony. Because the Navajo wandered, they did not have a consistent horizon to use as a reference system for their observations. Thus, the Navajo watched the monthly migration of their constellations across the sky, with their elders often observing just before sunrise.”



Hercules Level

Pluto Level

Ceres Level

Lunar Level

To celebrate, promote, and protect the glorious dark skies of Flagstaff and northern Arizona.